Our Brand

By day a Quality Manager, by night an embroidery, bag making genius.  Working in a technical, fast paced, and stressful field requires serious decompression time.  Finding an outlet that will allow you to get lost and use the right side of your brain is energizing and you won’t want to do anything else.  There is just something about taking a design and making it into something special that will bring a smile to your day. 

Every single one of us was affected by the pandemic and had changed us in some way.  The change for me happened when I contracted Covid and was in the hospital, isolated from everyone with only my thoughts.  I had just got an embroidery machine and was so excited to learn how to create wonderful things, however all I could do is lay there and dream about what I could be doing.  Well, when life gives you lemons…. I turned to YouTube and started watching sewing videos of amazing people making bags.  Several rabbit holes later, I stumbled on a video, Pattern Chat with More Me Know and became obsessed.  I watched every single “episode” and that was the beginning of Steinbring Stitches.